=============================================================================================================================================== HSC-Services, J.Hagen, 2018 nov 14, C7Server.org =============================================================================================================================================== C7 SERVER is a mail/web - server, based on Centos 7 platform: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requires a fresh installed Centos 7 minimal, with root access. C7 SERVER will download, install and configure interactive/automatic: FIREWALLD | FAIL2BAN | APACHE, PHP, MARIADB | CERTBOT | PHPMYADMIN | POSTFIX, DOVECOT | SPAMASSASSIN | MAILX | ROUNDCUBE | OPENDKIM | AWSTATS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM YOUR /ROOT DIRECTORY: #1 INSTALL WGET AND NANO: yum -y install wget nano #2 DOWNLOAD THE C7 SERVER PROGRAM: wget 'https://c7server.org/c7server.tgz' #3 UNTAR C7SERVER.TGZ: tar -xvzf ./c7server.tgz c7server #4 EDIT SETTINGS TO YOUR WISHES: nano ./c7server/settings.txt #5 INSTALL: ./c7server/install #6 FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE SCREEN.. #7 POST INSTALLATION: You will find usernames, passwords & login urls in /root/c7server/info.txt Keep info.txt in a safe place. Avoid unintended reuse of passwords and data: delete /root/c7server/settings.txt or keep it in a safe place.